For a change this year's Gala was in almost full sunshine. Marvellous. The equipment we had was the usual three, the PST on its manual mount, Mark's 11" Celestron with a white light filter, and the big bins, all manned by Mark, Rhys, Sandra, Wendy, Max, Tony and Vic, who'd brought the 8" Celestron though we didn't use it but did use his battery to power Mark's telescope because his battery didn't work.
Lots of folk there, brought out by the good weather, and we did lots of business, well, work, showing visitors the Sun through both telescopes. We also were joined in the gazebo by Vera (of Cake fame), with Rhys' grandchildren, and Maria (Mrs Max). Plenty of interested visitors too with intentions to join us on a Friday night or at the meetings. We usually take this with a pinch of salt, but many seemed to really mean it this time. Photographs by Max Freier.

Taken by a visitor. A Ray Gun? Or a message from the skies?